We look forward to welcoming audience members back again to Triskel Arts Centre.
As part of our commitment to the continued well-being of our audience members, team members, and in ongoing efforts to assist our community in preventing the spread of COVID-19, we implemented enhanced protocols and procedures you will notice before and during your visit. We continue to monitor all guidelines and will update and revise below accordingly.
We are committed to the Health & Safety of our staff and audiences. And we are operating under the agreed protocols described under “Guidance documents for the Safe Operations of Cinemas during COVID-19 Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021”, a copy of which can be found here.
Opening Hours
- Triskel Gallery Space is open Monday–Wednesday 4–9pm, Thursday–Sunday 11am–6pm
- Triskel Cinema is back – please visit the Cinema page for details of upcoming screenings.
- We encourage everyone to purchase tickets online in advance and to use contactless payment where possible. If you have any queries, please email TriskelBoxOffice[@]TriskelArtsCentre[.]ie
Before your visit
Please note we ask that you do not visit Triskel if you:
- are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or are feeling unwell.
- are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test.
- are self-isolating or restricting your movements.
- have been diagnosed with confirmed COVID-19 infection in the last 10 days.
- are a close contact of a person who is a confirmed case COVID-19 in the past 14 days (i.e. less than 2m for more than 15 minutes).
- have been advised by a doctor to isolate or cocoon.
- have returned from international travel and are not in compliance with government guidance.
- We are frequently cleaning and disinfecting throughout the building, particularly of high-touch point areas.
- Additional training and PPE have been provided for all employees.
- Additional hand sanitiser dispensers are placed at key points throughout the building.
- Additional signage to promote hand washing and best hygiene practices has been posted throughout the building.
Booking tickets
- Booking is not required to visit Triskel Gallery Space.
- Online booking in advance is advised for all audience members attending Triskel Cinema and Triskel Music events to ensure safe and comfortable capacity and limited contact admissions. You may not be able to purchase tickets at the venue. We do not charge booking fees.
- You will find the link to your e-ticket in your purchase confirmation email. You will need to show this e-ticket when you arrive.
- If Triskel cancels or postpones an event, we will contact ticketholders giving four options to choose from: refund, hold for rescheduled date, exchange for voucher, donate to Triskel.
- If you have any queries, please email TriskelBoxOffice[@]TriskelArtsCentre[.]ie
Arriving at Triskel
- Entry for Triskel Gallery Space is on Tobin Street. Go up the main stairs, turn to your left and the Gallery Space is at the end of the hall.
- Entry for Triskel Cinema and Triskel Music events is on Tobin Street. Doors will open 15 minutes ahead of the screening/show time. Please arrive with enough time to get through the entry process and reach your seat.
- Please note all performances in Triskel Christchurch begin at their stated time. Latecomers may not be admitted.
- Face coverings are no longer mandatory while in Triskel, however, we acknowledge your right to wear a face covering if you choose.
- Please have your e-ticket open on your phone so that it may be scanned by a member of staff.
- Only food and beverages purchased on the premises may be consumed on the premises.
- You must remain in your allocated seat throughout the screening/performance.
- As an Historic building, Christchurch does not have a Mechanical Ventilation System. Triskel has instead developed a Ventilation Plan – which is on display at the entrance to the venue. The purpose of the Plan is to strike a balance between the comfort of everyone in Christchurch and the need to ensure that there is adequate fresh air circulating in the Church.
- Triskel has 3 Air Purifiers located in the Upper Gallery, and 2 Co2 Meters located in the Church. By combining fresh air with purification and measuring air quality, we have done what we can to ensure the church is sanitised and ventilated.
What can you do to help us promote a healthy environment?
We are doing all we can to promote a healthy environment, and in doing so, we also rely on you to keep recommended self-care in mind for your safety and the safety of others. Throughout your experience, please be mindful of current Government and HSE guidelines as well as public health recommendations:
- If you or a member of your party has a temperature or is feeling unwell, please visit us another time.
- Wash your hands often, using soap and water, for a minimum of 20 seconds.
- Help us promote social distancing by remaining at least two metres away from others who are not part of your party and do not shake hands or hug.
- Please keep your party together to help maintain social distancing with other audience members.
- If you must cough or sneeze, please do so into your elbow, not into your hand or into the air.
- The wearing of face coverings is required while in an enclosed space as per the Government guidelines.
Our staff are here to assist you with a safe journey through the building. We look forward to seeing you all again.