Fionnuala Moynihan has played in Triskel a number of times and we wanted to get to know her a little bit better so we sat down and asked her a few questions:
What is your favourite cinema treat?
I really enjoy going to the cinema. It is a lovely way to relax. My husband Tim and I have seen some great movies over the past few years. Going to the cinema is the treat. I am not too worried about having an edible treat or not! A take-away cappuccino is always nice to have while enjoying the movie though.
What is your go-to motivation music?
As a musician that is a pretty difficult one to answer! Music inspires me and it can send me on a whirlwind of emotions. I associate pieces of music and songs with people I care about. I might know their favourite songs or remember the type of music that played in the café when we last met for a coffee. I never really think of music as motivational. I never need to be motivated by music … It is a constant backdrop to my daily life.
What is your favourite hidden gem in Cork?
There are so many I can’t choose one so here are a few! In terms of music venues I would definitely vote Triskel as my no.1. I love Glengarriff and Garnish island as I spent a gorgeous weekend there with Tim last October and have very happy memories visiting there as a child with my mum and dad. I adore Gougane Barra and have had many happy walks there. The Market Lane restaurant always has a place in my heart as it caters wonderfully for gluten-free coeliacs like myself! I will always be a fan of the Cork City Library music department. My dad used to take out recordings for me when I was learning music as a child … There was no such thing as YouTube! Libraries are fantastic and the staff at our very own Cork City Llibrary are incredible.
What was your favourite book as a child? And now?
If I am being very honest I did not read a great deal as a child. I always preferred to be doing something: playing music, cycling, playing in the garden etc! It is a slight joke in my family as when I turned twenty I completely fell in love with reading and have been a very enthusiastic reader ever since. I love reading everything from the classics to the newly published. I love when someone recommends a book to me, I will always check it out. The last three books I read are: Anna Kerenin by Tolstoy, The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller and A Keeper by Graham Norton.
What is the most memorable place you have performed?
There have been several memorable venues. Last November I performed a solo recital to approximately 600 people in the Catholic Cathedral in Moscow, Russia, to mark Tchaikovsky’s 125th anniversary. It was an absolutely beautiful cathedral and a very special occasion. In the last few years I have performed in some beautiful venues including: The Academy of Music Concert Hall in Zagreb, The Opera House in Ljubljana, The Chopin Museum in Warsaw, The Embassy Festival of Culture in The Hague to name a few.
To perform a concert series in the city where you were born is something incredibly special and for that I will always have a special place in my heart for performances at Triskel. From the moment I arrive on the day of a concert I am given a warm welcome, the beautiful Steinway is all ready for me to enjoy, there is always a wonderful audience who truly love and enjoy music. All these elements combine to make performing in Triskel unique and special.
What is your most listened to radio station?
Lyric FM of course! I put it on first thing every morning. It always helps me to begin my day in a calm and happy way.
Is there a band/artist you enjoy that you would describe as a ‘guilty pleasure’?
My guilty pleasure is probably that if I hear a piece of music or a song that I like I can easily put it on repeat ten times in a row! I listened to both Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata and The Muppet Babies album so much when I was a kid that they eventually broke. So my taste in music is fairly random at times and I am proud to say very varied!
If you could only listen to music from one decade what would it be?
To have to choose only one decade would be impossible. I am going to have to admit defeat on this question and just ask to have them all!
Do you have a favourite movie soundtrack?
Cinema Paradiso. I absolutely love the film and its music. My brother Diarmaid brought me to an outdoor screening of it in Cork on my birthday years ago. It really made my day!
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A concert pianist. My dream came true!
Fionnuala’s next concert in Triskel is on Saturday 23 February. Come here her play one of her favourite Clementi sonatinas!