We’re continuing to get to know the musicians who will perform during our upcoming Mozart Festival. Today it’s the turn of Beth McNinch, violist, teacher, Artistic Director of Musici Ireland.
Who is your hero? I’m not sure I have a “hero” as such but someone I admire greatly would be Nicola Benedetti. I think it is incredibly inspiring, the immense work she is doing to encourage young people into music. She has made real change in the UK in terms of music education and she also supports instrumental teachers in a real, hands on way. And on top of all that she is as warm and open as she seems and an absolutely outstanding musician!
If you could perform anywhere, where would it be? At the moment…Anywhere! In a dream world, I would love to take Musici Ireland on a World Tour. I love the Concertgebouw, Carnegie Hall etc. But genuinely, I also love playing small remote venues. I get such a thrill from playing to an audience who would normally have to travel a great distance to see world class musicians. Music should be accessible to everyone.
What is your favourite thing about your career? Definitely the variety! I love that I can be planning concerts, writing Grant Applications (don’t love that bit quite as much!) and then the next day be performing an opera or wonderful chamber music. My favourite thing about having set up Musici Ireland is I get to work with the musicians I admire the most, it is such a treat to play chamber music with friends.
What motivates you to work hard? The need to succeed! I want my boys to grow up to respect how hard I work to achieve my dreams and to see that you can create your own dream job.
What makes you laugh the most? My boys! I have a 9 year old and 2 Year old and the youngest is at that hilarious stage mimicking everything, it’s very sweet!
What would you sing at a Karaoke night? Oh blimey, I think I’ve only ever done Karaoke once! I’d probably do something really cheesy like Katy Perry Fireworks or Roar..feels good to belt them out in the car sometimes!
Would you rather win the Lotto or work at the perfect job? Why? Win the lotto because then I could perfect my job! Just think of the possibilities! Endless funding for chamber music projects, recordings etc, it’s the dream!
List two pet peeves Drivers who slow down almost to a halt before they indicate…..and lying politicians!
What three things would you take with you to a desert island? I presume no family? Then probably seeds to grow veg/fruit, solar panel and a tablet with access to the internet! I don’t think I’m particularly good at switching off!
If you ruled your own country, what would be the first law you would introduce? That every government department would have to be equally split in terms of race/gender