The RSA, the royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce, has been at the forefront of significant social impact for over 260 years. They have a diverse global community of over 30,000 problem-solvers who deliver solutions for lasting change and they’re coming to Cork for a festival entitled Belonging, Place & Reconnecting. It takes place here on Saturday 25 June from 11am to 5.30pm and is free for RSA fellows and non-members alike.
Before the economic boom of the 1990s, Ireland was known as a nation of emigrants. The past 25 years, however, have witnessed the gradual transformation of Ireland to a country of net immigration, on a scale and at a pace unprecedented in comparative context. Irish society has become more diverse in terms of nationality, language, ethnicity, and religious affiliation; and these changes are now clearly reflected in the younger population presenting challenges as well as opportunities. The current influx of Ukrainian people fleeing war will further enrich this diversity and add to the complexity of questions and reflections on what makes us feel we belong and how we connect and reconnect with self, others, and community within and across different places.
Attendees will enjoy talks from poet Tom McCarthy and artist Shane Cullen on his acclaimed work ‘The Agreement’, as well as a lunchtime concert from cellist and vocalist Naomi Berrill. In the afternoon, there will be three panels focussing on place and belonging, building bridges and reconnecting.
Panellists include Dr Naomi Masheti from the Cork Migrant Centre, Brigid Carmody from the Cork Traveller Women’s Network, broadcaster Philip King and Cllr Kieran McCarthy.
Free | All welcome | Booking essential
Click here for more on the jam-packed programme of talks and panels.