We need your help!

We have begun to develop an Audience Development Strategy at Triskel, and need to get to know you, our audience, a little better. Understanding who you are and what you need to engage with and experience events at Triskel in comfort and to best effect will help us design spaces, programmes and processes that everyone can access and feel welcome at.
You may not have been asked some of the questions to follow before. If you have any discomfort about answering, it’s absolutely fine to skip ahead. However, the world is changing fast, and we want all of our audience members, whoever you and they are, to feel they belong at Triskel, and any needs are met.
If you have any difficulties accessing this form, please email triskelchristchurch@triskelartscentre.ie or phone 021-4272022 during Box Office Opening Hours, where we will do our best to help.
Click here to take the survey. Your responses are completely anonymous and we appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. The deadline for responses is Monday 5 December 2022.
Thank you for your support!