Vukašin Nedeljković has direct experience of the Direct Provision system – he lived in a DPC while he was waiting to hear of the results of his asylum application. He documented the centres, deliberately choosing not to include people in his photos. We wanted to get to know him better:
What is your most listened to radio station?
I only occasionally listen to the radio. Most of the time I would go on the podcast and listen back to the programmes that are relevant to my research.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Tennis player
What made you first pick up the camera?
I studied agriculture for two years back in Belgrade. My dad was an amateur photographer. One day I took his camera and went down to the banks of River Sava in Belgrade and started to take photographs.
What was your favourite book as a child? And now?
My favourite book as a child was The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. Now I am reading more theoretical books by authors like Primo Levi, Walter Benjamin, Frantz Fanon …
Is there a photograph in the collection that stands out for you?
The photographs taken in Old Convent in Ballyhaunis in 2008 are very dear to me.
What equipment do you use?
Nikon 3200 camera.
Do you take a lot of photos in your everyday life?
I don’t.
Is there an artist whose work inspires you?
Robert Frank.
How did you first go about trying to make your work public?
I remember taking the photographs of people who were wearing Targets on their bodies during the NATO bombing of Serbia and Belgrade in 1999. My professor of photography at the time asked me if I would exhibit the work in the local gallery in Belgrade. That was my first visual arts display.
What is the most memorable place your work has brought you to?
My work – documenting Direct Provision Centres has brought me all over Ireland.
What is your proudest achievement to date?
The moment when I was awarded Arts and Activism Bursary from Arts Council and managed by CREATE.
When you’re not working, what do you enjoy doing?
Playing with my 9 year old daughter Cait.
Vukasin’s exhibition, Asylum Archive, is on display in Triskel’s Gallery Space until 29 March.