Deadline: Friday 20 July, 5pm.
TRISKEL ARTS CENTRE is seeking proposals from professional artists as part of its 2019 Visual Arts Programme.
Up to five exhibition slots are being offered through the callout process. Exhibitions are awarded in approximately 6-8 week slots to include installation, beginning 1 March 2019 to 30 November 2019.
The exhibitions will be located in Triskel Gallery Space. The applications will be reviewed and selected by a jury of three, which will be chaired by Valerie Byrne, Director, National Sculpture Factory.
A fee will be offered and a production budget allocated for selected exhibitions.
Triskel will not accept late applications.
To make a submission:
- an exhibition proposal (max 2 A4 pages)
- when you envisage your work would be ready
- include up to six images of your work
- an up-to-date CV
- We also need a separate letter, signed, giving consent to Triskel Arts Centre to hold personal information and data for the sole purposes of this selection process.
DO NOT send any hardcopy proposals or original artwork. We accept WETRANSFER files.
Send submissions to VisualArt@TriskelArtsCentre.ie