Art History Reframed: Autumn Lecture Series – Triskel Arts Centre Skip to main content

Art History Reframed: Autumn Lecture Series

Art History Reframed: Autumn Lecture Series

Art Historian Dr Matthew Whyte offers a new lecture series, which takes the audience on an art-filled journey through the often beautiful, sometimes scandalous, and always fascinating moments in the development of Western civilisation.

This first Autumn Series begins in the Golden Age of Classical Greece, tracing our past forward through the triumphalism of Imperial Rome, the tumultuous ‘Dark Ages’, and finishing with the splendours of the Italian Renaissance.

The lectures can be attended as a series, but are also designed as standalone talks, which can be attended individually. Dr Whyte has lectured in Art History in University College Cork since 2014, where he completed his PhD in the art and culture of Renaissance Italy.

€25 for individual lectures, 20% off for the series of 6